Raymond Napa Valley Merlot is Not Vegan Friendly

by Raymond Vineyards
Address: 849 Zinfandel Lane
St. Helena California, Oregon, 94574
Phone: (707) 963-3141
Email: customerservice@raymondvineyards.com
URL: https://www.raymondvineyards.com/
Checked by: Melissa
Double checked by: Melissa, Emma
Added: over 3 years ago

Company email (December 2020)

"Our winemaker cannot speak for the LVE Rose, but she is pretty sure they do not use it in France. We only use egg whites for fining on Napa Valley Reserve Red (Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Red blend) wines. We do not use eggs on Estate, District, Small Lot, Generations or JCB collection wines."

Company email (July 2019)
"While our wines are made using organic and biodynamic practices, unfortunately, they are not considered vegan."

Company email (February 2018)

"As far as additives to the wine, we commonly use natural products such as egg whites, or albumin proteins derived from egg whites in our fining for red wines. The nature of this treatment as a processing aide, naturally prevents any residue of egg white from being contained in the wine, but it is used in the process. We also use both Isinglass and Casein in the fining of our white wines. Again the nature of their usage precludes residues from being present in the wine. On very rare occasions with tannic red wines we will use gelatin as a fining agent, but this is uncommon.

"Along with the above fining products derived from animal sources, we commonly utilize Bentonite clay (essentially dirt with a molecular charge), Acacia gum (a product derived from the sap of Acacia trees), Yeast proteins and hulls (essentially the cell walls of the yeast that are separated by centrifugation in to their respective parts), and Cream of Tartar (a crystalized tartaric product that occurs in wine when chilled). As far as usage of these products in our wines, it varies, widely across wines and vintages.

"However, both our District Cabernets and Generations Cabernet are vegan."

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