Thisted Beers (if honey listed in ingredients) is Not Vegan Friendly

by Thisted Bryghus
Address: Aktieselskabet Thisted Bryghus og Thisted Mineralvandsfabrik
Bryggerivej 10, DK-7700 Thisted
Phone: 97 92 23 22
Checked by: Bjørn
Double checked by:
Added: about 8 years ago

Company email (February 2016)

"Vi har nogle få produkter der indeholder honning – i så fald er det anført i ingredienslisten, men bortset fra det bruger vi ikke animalsk baserede tilsætnings- eller hjælpestoffer. Vores øl er altså veganer-egnede – både de økologiske og de ikke-økologiske øl."

[Translation: "We have a few products that contain honey - in which case it is mentioned in the list of ingredients - but other than those, we do not use animal-based additives. Our beer is thus suited for vegans - this goes for the organic and the non-organic ones."]

[Unfortunately we can't see which beers contain honey online]

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