Weingut Hauck is Vegan Friendly

Address: 55234 Bermersheim vor der Höhe
Phone: +49 6731 12 72
Fax: +49 6731 456 52
Email: vinum@weingut-hauck.de
URL: http://www.weingut-hauck.de/en
Checked by: Harald
Double checked by:
Added: almost 14 years ago

EDITOR'S NOTE: As near as I can tell, their wines don't use animal products in the fining, but this is the pitfall to a multilingual version of The Question: it's sometimes hard to understand the responses!

Company email, in German:

Fast alle unserer Produkte werden ohne die von Ihnen angegebenen Zutaten hergestellt. Für diesen Zweck haben wir ein aufwendiges Verfahren zur Traubenverarbeitung entwickelt. welches auf Pumpen, Schnecken und Rohrleitungen komplett verzichtet. Dies versetzt uns in die Lage in der Regel auf alle von Ihnen genannten Behandlungsstoffe zu verzichten.

Translation via Babelfish:

Nearly all of our products manufactured without of you the indicated added. For this purpose we developed a complex procedure to the grape/cluster processing. which does without on pumps, snails and pipings completely. This puts us into the position on all treatment materials specified by you to do without usually.