
Address: 7260 Southwest Ave
Maplewood, Missouri, 63143
Phone: 314-241-BEER
Checked by: Gregory
Double checked by: Kevin
Added: about 15 years ago

Products by Schlafly:

None found.

Company FAQ page:

"Which Schlafly Beers are vegan?
None of our production beers in bottles use any animal products. None of our draft beer available anywhere uses animal products. Ergo, no Schlafly beer uses any animal products in the brewing production.

That being said, many years ago we used isinglass to clarify our cask-conditioned ales, but have changed practices and no longer use it. If you find yourself at The Schlafly Tap Room, the only place that serves Schlafly cask-conditioned real ale, you can ask if the casks were produced using isinglass. We'll let the bartenders know if this changes.

We do not use honey in any of our beers, unless it's called Honey Wheat or something like that."