Quaglia Genepy is Vegan Friendly

by Antica Distilleria Quaglia
Address: Viale Europa, 3
Castelnuovo Don Bosco
Phone: 011 9876159
Email: info@distilleriaquaglia.it
URL: http://www.distilleriaquaglia.it/
Checked by: Stéphane
Double checked by: Silvia
Added: almost 6 years ago
Double Checked: 9 months ago

Company website (January 2024)re: Bombardino
"Re dei liquori invernali e dei rifugi alpini, il nostro bombardino è prodotto con uova e rhum della migliore qualità."
Google Translate:
"King of winter liqueurs and alpine refuges, our bombardino is produced with the best quality eggs and rum"

Company email (November 2018)
"The only products that MAY contain animal proteins is our Vermouth. I say
"may" because we buy base wines that may have been clarified with egg white,
but we are not 100% sure.

"All other liqueurs (bergamotto, chinotto, limoncello, any grappa, Barolo
chinato, Genziana, Genepy etc.) don't contain any animal ingredient."

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