Avelino Vegas has some vegan options

Address: Grupo Calvo Sotelo, 8 40460
Santiuste Segovia
Phone: (+34) 921 59 60 02
Email: general@avelinovegas.com
URL: https://www.avelinovegas.com/
Checked by: Michelle
Double checked by: Ana
Added: almost 8 years ago
Double Checked: about 4 years ago

Products by Avelino Vegas:

Company email (February 2021)

"Buenos días, desde el departamento técnico de Avelino Vegas, le adjunto el certificado de V-Lavel Nuestros productos con el certificado vegano, se ajusta a las leyes y normativas españolas y suizas, además de a las directrices de la UE (incluyendo las ya existentes y las futuras adiciones o modificaciones)."

[Google translation: "Good morning, from the technical department of Avelino Vegas, I attach the V-Lavel certificate. Our vegan certified products comply with Spanish and Swiss laws and regulations, as well as EU guidelines (including existing ones and future additions or modifications)."]

[Certificate was from the European Vegetarian Union for "Wine," but the question was specific to Avelino Vegas wines and not their other brands.]

Company email (May 2017)

"Todos nuestros vinos blancos son aptos para veganos. Los tintos no."

[Google translation: "All our white wines are fit for vegans. The reds do not."]