Greenall's Bitter is Not Vegan Friendly

by Carlsberg Marston's Brewing Company Limited
Address: Marston's House, Brewery Road
Wolverhampton, West Midlands, Wv1 4JT
Phone: 01902 711811
Fax: 01902 429136
Checked by: Peter
Double checked by: Andrew, Athen, Bryan, Ian, Jaime, Rebecca, Kevin, Rebecca, Dawn, Alan, Tony, Jonny, Michael, Michael, Mike, Kieron, Andy, Ryan, Dan
Added: about 2 years ago
Double Checked: 12 months ago

Company email (October 2023)
Unfortunately, Wainwright Gold is not suitable for Vegans.

Company email regarding this URL (September 2022)
"We are currently updating the information available online, however the most up to date allergen information can always be found on every can and bottle label."

Company website (October 2021)
Vegan symbol on bottle.

Company email (March 2021)
"You recently reached out to us via Twitter asking if if Manns Brown Ale was suitable for vegetarians. Unfortunately it isn’t."

Company email (January 2021)
"Thank you for your enquiry concerning Courage Best Bitter – I am sorry it is not suitable for Vegans. The beers are produced either with Isinglass or in a brewery where it is used."

Company email (December 2020)

"Thank you for your enquiry concerning Honest Graft Amber ale – I am sorry it is not suitable for Vegans. The beers are produced either with Isinglass or in a brewery where it is used."

Company email (August 2020)
"Thank you for your enquiry concerning Eagle Banana Bread Beer, it is not suitable for vegans."

Company email (February 2020)

"I am afraid Marston’s 61 Deep is not suitable for vegans"

Company email (July 2019)
"...I am afraid [the American Pale Ale] is not suitable for Vegans – isinglass is used in the brewery."

Company email (December 2017)
"We use fish based finings as per the industry standard, so I wouldn’t want to say that our beers are vegan friendly unfortunately.

"There are some breweries that use artificial finings to do this, but we want to keep our process as natural and traditional as possible!"

Company email (November 2016):
"I can confirm that our Vegan Friendly beers are -

Duchy Old Ruby Organic Bottle
Duchy IPA Organic Bottle
Duchy Golden Ale Organic Bottle
Brakspear Oxford Gold Organic Bottle
Wychwood Scarecrow Organic Bottle

As you can see for the avoidance of doubt, only our organic beers are vegan friendly and are brewed/packaged within the Marston’s Group. The Duchy beers are only available in Waitrose and the remaining 2 are produced primarily for export. Please also note, Brakspear Oxford Gold Bottle does come in a non-organic version which is not vegan friendly."

Company email (November 2016) re: Wainwright
"Unfortunately we do use isinglass in the filtration of Wainwright so it is not suitable for vegans, and it is only produced and bottled by us here I’m afraid."

Company email (Match 2015)
"The Duchy brands and M&S Staffordshire IPA bottled ales are suitable for vegetarians. All of our other brands use isinglass finings during the processing."

Company email, October 2011:
"Yes we use isinglass during processing for all our products unless they are specifically designated like Scarecrow and the Duchy products in bottle"

Company email regarding Ringwood, October 2011:
"Sadly none of our beers, either on draught or in bottle, are totally vegan as we use the isinglass finings in all of our products."

Company email: October 2011
"Scarecrow, Duchy brands in bottle and M&S Staffordshire IPA are all processed without the aid of isinglass and therefore should be suitable for vegans."

Company email: Feb 2011
"There has been a change to the “fast cask” Hobgoblin - Isinglass finings are now used in the process pre filter, but not added to the cask itself. So the only beers we do now that have no isinglass finings at any stage of the process are the organic beers."

Company email: Jan 2011
"Unfortunately Brakspear Bitter & Triple are not suitable for Vegetarians, however we can confirm that our bottled organic ales as detailed below are suitable for vegetarians/vegans:
Wychwood Scarecrow
Brakspear Oxford Gold (bottled NOT cask)
Duchy Originals Organic Ale"

Company email: Nov 2010
"Yes all Hobgoblin is now fastcask and therefore vegan. I can’t confirm all EPA and Pedigree is fastcask at present"

Company email: March 2010
"The only products we can guarantee free from isinglass finings are
Oxford Gold and Circle Master both of which are available in bottle. No cask beers are suitable. Circle Master and Oxford Gold in bottle are the only brands we own that do not use isinglass. Green Goblin is brewed by Thatchers who will be assuming a franchise in the near future. The Supermarket owned brands are not our brands; we brew them when we are asked to. Having said that we do brew the Duchy Originals for Waitrose and I believe we own the brand. Whatever, the supermarket beers listed I'm sure will still be suitable for vegetarians but out of courtesy it should be them rather than us that confirms it."

In the news:
Marston's to start brewing vegetarian real ale (

Company email: September 2009
"Unfortunately none of our cask beers are suitable for Vegetarians, however we can confirm that all of our bottled organic ales as detailed below, together with our Green Goblin Cider are suitable for vegetarians/vegans.(Circle Master, Brakspear Oxford Gold (bottled), Morrisons Organic Golden Ale, Duchy Originals Organic)"

Company reply:
"The following beers in our brand range have not been processed using isinglass and should therefore meet your criteria.

Animal Ingredients
The manufacture and/or development of the product, and where applicable
its ingredients, must not involve, or have involved, the use of any
animal product, by-product or derivative. Common animal ingredients
include lactose, casein, whey, cochineal, shellac, beeswax and other bee
products, lanolin, silk, gelatine, vitamin D3 and isinglass.

Animal Testing
The development and/or manufacture of the product, and where applicable
its ingredients, must not involve, or have involved, testing of any sort
on animals conducted at the initiative of the manufacturer or on its
behalf, or by parties over whom the manufacturer has effective control."

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