Abbeydale Serenity #9 is Not Vegan Friendly

by Abbeydale Brewery
Address: 8 Aizlewood Road
Sheffield, S8 0YX
Phone: 0114 281 2712
Checked by: Andy R
Double checked by: Lindsay, Company, James, Phil
Added: about 5 years ago
Double Checked: 8 months ago

Company email: (February 2024)
"Many of the beers we produce are indeed vegan friendly. This includes the majority of our Brewers Emporium range (the ones with the rays in the designs) which are unfined/vegan unless otherwise specified. We very rarely use ingredients such as lactose and this would be clearly indicated on the ingredients list on cans and on our website.

Our cask core range (Moonshine, Deception, Daily Bread and Absolution) do contain isinglass, as do many of our more traditional cask only specials. We have done extensive trials with other finings but unfortunately these currently do not achieve the same results of clarity, which is an important part of the specification of these beers. It's something we're continuing to investigate though as more options for finings become available. "

James notes that their website (, retrieved August 2019) now shows a vegan symbol next to their vegan offerings.

Company email (October 2018)
"The following beers are vegan friendly and currently listed as unknown:
Tramlines Session
You Scratch My Back
Kid Ryenamite
Wanderer 3
Unbeliever 4

All future beers called Voyager, Serenity and Deliverance will always be vegan friendly.

The following beers are fined using isinglass and so are not vegan friendly:
Daily Bread
Black Mass
Doctor Morton’s Non-Stick

The rest are no longer in production so I can’t confidently say whether they were fined or not, so best to leave these as unknown I’m afraid.

We are now releasing many more beers as vegan friendly with a higher proportion of our new releases being suitable for vegan drinkers than in the past and we expect this trend to continue moving forwards."

Company email (June 2018)
"We currently have quite a few beers that are vegan friendly.

"The beers in the following ranges are all unfined and vegan friendly.

Voyager (our range of IPAs)
Serenity (our range of Session IPAs)
Deliverance (our range of Double IPAs)

"Some off our Salvations are vegan friendly, but you are correct that we have added Lactose to some of the beers. Some of our one off specials are unfined too. Some beers are fined in cask, but unfined in keg and can, like the Birdhouse Tea beer we have just released.

"The majority of our more traditional cask beers are all fined using isinglass, so are not vegan friendly, but we try and make drinkers aware where possible when a beer is unfined by using pump clip toppers..."

Lindsay notes "from the descriptions salvation #5 contains doughnuts (egg) and salvation #7 contains lactose."

Company email (circa 2010)
"We use Isinglass in the beers"

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