New Belgium Dayblazer is Vegan Friendly

by New Belgium Brewery
Address: 500 Linden St
Fort Collins, Colorado, 80524
Phone: 970-221-0524
Checked by: Ericka
Double checked by: Jade, Kevin M, Defiant4good, Erik, Kyle, Eric, Emily, TJ, Roland, Dave, Nicole, Arzinda, Dan, Eric
Added: about 5 years ago
Double Checked: almost 2 years ago

Company email (October 2022)
"All of our beer is Kosher with the exception of Honey Orange Triple. Also our new seltzers in our Fruit Smash family are not Kosher. As far as Vegan: All beers except for Honey Orange Trippel, Bier de Queer, and Tenth Nail. This is due to the inclusion of honey.
Possible medication issues: V2K IPA and Dominga Paloma do contain Grapefruit, which is not recommended for people on certain medications."

Company email (August 2019) re Dayblazer
"We do not use any animal ingredients in Dayblazer."

Company email (August 2018) re Glutiny Pale Ale:
"I’m happy to tell you our Glutiny Pale Ale is vegan as well. We use an enzyme to remove the gluten that is not animal derived, but I wanted to make sure you’re aware this beer isn’t gluten-free, but gluten-reduced to below 10ppm."

Company email (March 2018)
"I’m happy to tell you that Dayblazer is 100% vegan. It says honey in the description on our website, but that aroma comes from our malt."

Company email (September 2017)
"I’m happy to tell you that Voodoo Ranger Atomic Pumpkin is 100% vegan. We only brew it at our Fort Collins, Colorado location and it contains no animal products."

Company email (July 2017)
"I'm happy to tell you Citradelic Tangerine IPA is 100% vegan."

Company email (March 2017)
"As of right now, New Belgium is 100% vegan friendly. "

Company email (November 2016) re: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
"I am happy to say that you can safely "go for it", the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough is vegan!!!"

Company email (August 2016) re: corn
"We’re happy to tell you that none of our beers contain corn or corn syrup."

Company email (November 2015):
"Thanks for your email! I am happy to report that all of our beers are vegan, including our newest collaboration beer with Ben & Jerry’s, the Salted Caramel Brownie Brown Ale."

Company email (January 2015):
"I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that every single one of our beers is a vegan product. We've never used any of the animal product-based processing aids, and I don't believe we ever will, as we'd be alienating a good chunk of our consumers and even some of our own employees."

Company email (April 2013):
"I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that every single one of our beers is a vegan product. We've never used any of the animal product-based processing aids, and I don't believe we ever will, as we'd be alienating a good chunk of our consumers and even some of our own employees. We only manufacture our beer here in good old Fort Collins, CO so you don't have to worry about any other processing systems."

Company email (May 2012):
"Thanks for your email. You will be happy to know that we don't use any kind of animal bi-products in our beers or during processing/filtration. Nor does any other company brew our beer, it's all brewed here at New Belgium."

Worker owned and powered by the wind!
Company Email: May 2010
"I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that every single one of our beers is a vegan product. We've never used any of the animal product-based processing aids, and I don't believe we ever will, as we'd be alienating a good chunk of our consumers and even some of our own employees."

Company email:
"Most of our beers do not contained refined sugar. The beer is made from the natural sugars we extract from malted barley as part of our process.
Abbey and Trippel have refined sugar added. We have a response back from our sugar supplier. All of our sugar is free of bone char."

Company email:

"None of the beers we are currently producing contain any animal-derived ingredients. In 2003 we used an animal derived processing aid called isinglass to clarify our first batch of Transatlantique kriek. This processing aid was removed from the beer by filtration prior to packaging so it might be considered vegan since it did not end up in the final product. Since that time we have discontinued the use of that processing aid. The brew number of that Transatlantique that was treated with isinglass is 14821 written on the bottom right hand corner of the label. This beer has passed its best buy date and should no longer be in the market. Aside from this instance all of our beers are vegan."

Email 2:
Thanks for the email! I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that every single one of our beers is a vegan product. We've never used any of the animal product-based processing aids, and I don't believe we ever will, as we'd be alienating a good chunk of our consumers and even some of our own employees. Happy animals, happy animals! Let us know if you have any further questions.

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