Grain Brewery Lignum Vitae is Vegan Friendly

by Grain Brewery
Address: South Farm, Alburgh, Harleston
Norfolk, IP20 0BS
Phone: 01986 788884
Checked by: James
Double checked by: Company
Added: almost 7 years ago
Double Checked: almost 2 years ago

Company email (October 2022)
"I had someone mention your site over the weekend, which led me to review our listings with you.

Our range of beers are now vegan friendly with exception of the two below.

Weizen is not vegan friendly, it contains lactose.
Of our current specials, Dunkel Weiz is also not vegan friendly."

Company email (January 2018)
"Most of our beers have been in contact with isinglass. However both the Pilsener and Weizen do not use isinglass and so are vegan."

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