Boddingtons is Vegan Friendly

by AB InBev UK Limited
Address: Porter Tun House, 500 Capability Green
Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3LS
Phone: 01582 391166
Checked by: James
Double checked by: Morgan, Chris, Amit, Tracey, Craig, Sarah, Katie, Craig, Barry, Emily, Martin, Eevi, Rory, Gareth, Jane, Scott, Dominic
Added: over 13 years ago
Double Checked: about 1 year ago

Company email (August 2023) re: Bass
"Isinglass is used in the manufacture of the Bass."

Company email (June 2022) re: Chernigivske
Chernigivske and whether it is Vegan friendly, which I can confirm is as per our conversation.

Comapany email (June 2022) re:Stella artois unfiltered lager
"All of our products are suitable for vegetarians and vegans, with the exception of Stella Artois Apple Cidre and cask ales."

Company email (January 2022)
"Leffe 0.0 is is suitable for vegans, no animal-derived ingredients or processes are used. Thanks for contacting Budweiser Brewing Group UK&I"

Company email (July 2021)
"Thank you for taking the time to contact Budweiser Brewing Group UK&I regarding your enquiry.
We believe Bass Ale is vegan as we do not use any animal derived products or ingredients in our beers."

Company email (September 2019)
"All of our products are suitable for vegetarians and vegans, with the exception of Stella Artois Apple Cidre and cask ales."

Company email (October 2018)
"Da wir uns in Deutschland selbstverständlich an das geltende Reinheitsgebot halten, sind alle unsere Biers rohstoff-seitig nur auf Basis von Wasser, Malz, Hopfen und Hefe hergestellt.

"Letztere führen wir in der Brauerei ausschließlich mittels hauseigener Würzen, die ebenso nur aus den o. g. Zutaten hergestellt werden.

"Somit können wir ausschließen, dass die Herstellung unserer Biere auf Basis tierischer Stoffe geschieht.

Ferner verzichten wir aktuell auch auf den Einsatz von kasein-basierten Leimen, um die Etiketten an die Flaschen zu kleben."

[Google translation: "As we of course adhere to the current purity requirement in Germany, all our beer raw material side are made only on the basis of water, malt, hops and yeast.

"The latter we carry in the brewery exclusively by means of in-house seasonings, which also just from the o. G. Ingredients are produced.

"Thus, we can rule out that the production of our beers is based on animal substances.

In addition, we are currently refraining from using casein-based glues to glue the labels to the bottles."]

Company email (January 2017):
"All of our products are suitable for vegetarians and vegans, with the exception of Stella Artois Apple Cidre and cask ales."

Company email (October 2016):
"All of our products are suitable for vegetarians and vegans, with the exception of Stella Artois Apple Cidre and cask ales."

Company email (January 2015):
"Our brands sold in UK suitable for vegans and vegetarians are as follows:
Stella Artois
Stella 4
Beck's Vier
Beck's Blue

Cubanisto is indeed suitable for vegans - so we hope you enjoy!"

Company email (March 2014):
"Our brands sold in UK suitable for vegans and vegetarians are as follows:
Stella Artois
Stella 4
Beck's Vier
Beck's Blue

Company email (April 2013):
"Stella Artois is a fine, golden pilsner lager, originally brewed as a Christmas beer in Leuven, Belgium. It is named Stella after the Christmas Star and Artois after Sebastian Artois, the brewery's founder. This medium, easy drinking and refreshing 4.8% ABV pilsner lager has a distinctive malty bitter taste of the world's best Saaz hops.
Stella Artois contains only four ingredients: maize, hops, malted barley and water and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans."

Company email (April 2013):
"Stella Artois Pear Cidre is suitable for a vegan or vegetarian diet."

Company email (May 2012):
"The following AB-InBev beer brands sold in UK are suitable for vegans:
Stella Artois
Stella 4%
Beck's Vier
Beck's Blue

Company email regarding Stella Artois Cidre : May 2011
"Stella Artois Cidre is made with water, apples from the orchard, sugars (including glucose syrup), caramel and cochineal for colour, sulphites for freshness and malic acid which gives tartness to the flavour.
It is not suitable for a vegan or vegetarian diet."

Company email (>)regarding Stella Artois Cidre: April 2011
"Stella Artois Cidre is not suitable for vegans."

Company email Feb 2011 regarding Boddingtons.
"Boddingtons cask ale is not suitable for vegetarians or vegans. Boddingtons cask ale, like many cask ales brewed in the UK, uses isinglass, a traditional processing aid derived from fish ingredients, in the brewing process. Isinglass is a traditional product that has been used in the process of clarifying beer and wine for hundreds of years. Beer that has been clarified with isinglass should not be regarded as either vegan or vegetarian."

Boddingtons in can, bottle and keg format is suitable for vegetarians or vegans as the brewing process does not involve isinglass."

Company email:
"The following AB-InBev beer brands sold in UK are suitable for vegans:
Stella Artois
Stella 4%
Beck's Vier
Beck's Blue

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