Xide X-mas and Winter is Unknown

by Carlsberg Sverige AB
Address: Box 3040
169 03 Solna
Phone: +46 8 757 70 00
Email: konsumentservice@carlsberg.se
URL: http://www.carlsbergsverige.se/
Checked by: Louise
Double checked by: Pauline, Filip, Kristín, Liana, Ahmet
Added: almost 8 years ago

Company email (September 2019) re Grimbergen
"Grimbergen är vegan friendly alltså är drycken vegansk."

[Google translation: "Grimbergen is vegan friendly so the drink is vegan."]

Company email (October 2018)
"To answer your question about if the Australian brewed Somersby Cloudy Apple cider is vegan - the answer is yes."

Company email (May 2018) re Somersby:
"In general, Somersby does not contain milk or eggs but fruit juices can be treated with gelatin (of animal origin) in the clarification process. As our raw material suppliers cannot guarantee that all juice used in the production of Somersby would be produced without gelatin (it is a very common procedure in treating fruit juices), Somersby is not stated totally vegan-friendly.

"We are although working hard to provide a vegan-friendly alternative in the upcoming year, so keep an eye on our website and social channels!"

Company email (October 2017) re: Somersby
"In general, as you might already know, fruit juices can be treated with gelatin (of animal origin) in the clarification process. As our raw material suppliers cannot guarantee that all juice used in the production of Somersby would be produced without gelatin (it is a very common procedure in treating fruit juices), Somersby is not stated totally vegan-friendly. This goes for all variants.

"We are although working hard to provide a vegan-friendly alternative in the upcoming year, so keep an eye on our website and social channels!"

Company email (November 2016) re: Xide:
"Food colouring information:

Xide Cactus lime: Patent Blue V, Caramel color (E131, E 150b)
Xide Green Tea: None
Xide Jungle: Beta carotene (E160a)
Xide Lemon Dragonfruit: None
Xide Lime gardenmint: brilliant blue FCF (E133)
Xide Mandarin Chili: carmine, Anthocyanins (E120, E163)
Xide Organic Pomegranath Rhubarb: organic carrot concentrate
Xide Passionfruit: carotenes (E160a)
Xide Raspberry Blossom: black carrot juice

there are no animal products that are used during processing and filtration when we produce Xide... the filtration is done with the help of either candle filter or some type of layer/coating filter. We have nothing else from animals in our production."

Company email (November 2016) re: Somersby:
"our filtration is done with the help of either candle filter or some type of layer filter. Diatomaceous earth or cellulose insulation is the most common fiber material. See the answer about the other Somersby below (food colorings).

Somersby Pear Cider - none
Somersby Blackberry – Carmine E120 [non-vegan]
Somersby Double Press Apple - Carmine E120 [non-vegan]
Somersby Sparkling Rosé - none
Somersby Päroncider - none
Somersby Apple Cider Organic - none"

Company email (June 2014) re: Somersby:
“Vi har kollat med leverantör av Ciderbaserna och de meddelar att produkterna och processen av dessa innehåller ingenting som har animaliskt ursprung.”

[Translation from Louise] “We've checked with the provider of the Cider bases and they announce that the products and the process of these contain nothing that has animal origin.”

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