Speight's Gold Rush is Not Vegan Friendly

by Lion Pty Ltd
Address: Locked Bag 58
Silverwater, New South Wales, 1811
Phone: 1800 308 388
Email: http://lionco.com/supplementary/contact-us/
URL: http://lionco.com/
Checked by: David
Double checked by: bilby, amber, Nicola, Lisa Y, Julia, Meghan, Aaron, Bruce, Belinda, Krista, Benn, Shane, Emma, Rosie, Adam, Shane, Sarah, Maggie, Cash, anonymous
Added: almost 8 years ago
Double Checked: about 1 year ago

Company email (July 2023) re: Southwark Old Stout
"Southwark Old Stout is vegan friendly, no animal products are used in the brewing. Furthermore no animal products are produced or packaged on the same equiptment.

We have previously been in contact with Barnivore, my colleagues are working on a list of Lion products that are vegan friendly."

Company email (May 2022) re: Byron Bay Premium Lager
"I can confirm Byron Bay Premium Lager is vegan friendly. It contains no animal ingredients, and there is no risk of cross contamination with the few Lion products that do contain animal products. Brewing and packaging is not outsourced or contracted to 3rd parties."

Company email (september 2021) - Heineken 0.0 and James Squires Zero
"they contain no animal products of any kind, and have not been in contact with any products that do contain animal products."

Company email (March 2021) - specific to New Zealand
"Both Guinness and Kilkenny are vegan friendly.
"Lion beers and ciders are produced without the use of egg, fish or animal products.
"Sugar used in the production of beers and ciders does not contain preservatives or additives, is not from GM sources, is suitable for vegetarians and vegans (no animal products used in process) and fits the parameters for both Kosher and Halal.
No bleaching occurs during processing."

Company email (December 2020) re James Squire

"All James Squires beers, as well as James Squires Ginger Beer, are brewed without the use of any animal products and are vegan friendly.

"James Squires Orchard Crush apple cider may be unsuitable for vegans. The apple juice has been in contact caseinates prior to being received by Lion."

Company email (April 2020) re: The Swindler

"All Lion beers, including James Squires Swindler Tropical Ale, are brewed and packaged without the use of any animal products. Any licensed brews are produced with the same ingredients and packaging standards."

Company email (November 2018)
"Please be advised our ciders are not vegan. Bovine gelatin used in production of AJC."

Company email (October 2018)
"...our ciders are not vegan. Bovine gelatin is used in production of AJC"

Company email (May 2017)
"we can confirm that Summer Bright is not made with animal products in the ingredients or filtration processes and it is not made by any overseas or licensed sites... As from 1 January 2003 all LNA products are brewed and packaged without the use of any animal products."

Company email (November 2016) re: Speight's
"The Speight’s beer range is vegan-friendly, apart from Speight’s Gold Rush which is brewed with honey - this a limited release available on tap only in Speight’s Ale Houses. Otherwise no animal products used."

Company email (July 2016):
"As from 1 January 2003 all Lion products are brewed and packaged without the use of any animal products.

"Isinglass was used until December 2002 and now no longer used. I can confirm that the apple juice in all of Lion’s ciders brewed in Australia do not use caseinates in their production and are free from milk products."

Company email (May 2016) re: Kosciuszko Pale Ale

"Kosciuszko Pale Ale is a product we brew in Australia.

"All Lion Products are Brewed in Australia and Packaged without the use of any Animal Products.

"The only Ingredients we use in our beers are water (potable water), hops (bittering agent, can be in the form of pellets or liquid), malted Barley (Types used: pale malt, roasted malt, crystal malt), sugar (liquid in some brews), yeast (the fermenting agent) - not strictly a raw material-but we refer to it as the fermenting agent"

Company email (January 2016) re: 5 Seeds:
"The apple juice has been in contact with Caseinate, a milk derived product used for fining (clarifying) the juice early in the process before we receive it. So this may rule it out of being suitable for Vegans."

Company email (February 2013):
"No lion beer brand contains any animal or dairy products. XXXX Summer is only manufactured and sold in Australia."

[Note: Lion-Nathan make the following beer brands in Australia & New Zealand. Additionally, the following foreign beers are produced under licence by LNA:
Beck's, Kirin Ichiban, Amstel, Boddingtons, Heineken.]

Company email: May 2011
"Thank you for your email, as from 01/01/03 all Lion Products are Brewed and Packaged without the use of any Animal Products.
The only Ingredients we use in our beers are
“Water (potable water)
“Hops (bittering agent, can be in the form of pellets or liquid)
“Malted Barley (Types used: pale malt, roasted malt,
crystal malt)
“Sugar (liquid in some brews)
“Yeast (the fermenting agent) - not strictly a raw material-but we refer to it as the fermenting agent
Isinglass was used until December 2002 and now no longer used."

Company Email: April 2011
"I have received a response from the marketing Brand Manager for Canterbury Draught, who can confirm that this beer (as with all our beer brands) uses no animal products in either the ingredients or the processing / filtration stages of production.
In addition we can confirm that Canterbury Draught is not produced anywhere else in the world."

Company Email: Dec 2010
"The Macs Brand Manager has come back to me and confirmed that no animal products are used in the creation of Mac's beers."

Company Email: June 2010
"As from 01/01/03 all LNA Products are Brewed and Packaged with out the use of any Animal Products.

The only Ingredients we use in our beers are

" Water (potable water)
" Hops (bittering agent, can be in the form of pellets or liquid)
" Malted Barley (Types used: pale malt, roasted malt, crystal malt)
" Sugar (liquid in some brews)
" Yeast (the fermenting agent) - not strictly a raw material-but we refer to it as the fermenting agent

Isinglass was used until December 2002 and now no longer used. Hope this information helps thanks."

Company email (2009) re: James Squire
"Essentially our beers are vegan in that we utilise, barley & wheat malts, water, yeast & hops, none of which are of animal origin. Most commercial beers are in fact essentially vegan, however the most common break down point is the use of Isinglass Finings to clarify the beer (fish origin), or in some cases the use of albumin (egg). Certain Stouts do also utilise lactose (from milk). We do not use these in any of our beers.

"Neither do we use any other ingredients or additives of known animal origin. Therefore I consider our beers are vegan, however we are not certified by any external authority as vegan."

Bruce notes re: James Squire

"I spoke to the brewer at length, PVPP fining used."

Company email:
"As from 01/01/03 all LNA Products are Brewed and Packaged with out the use of any Animal Products. Isinglass was used until December 2002 and now no longer used"

Company email:
As of 01/01/03 all LNA Products are Brewed and Packaged with out the use of any Animal Products. Isinglass was used until December 2002.

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