CedarCreek 2014 Ehrenfelser is Vegan Friendly

by CedarCreek Estate Winery
Address: 5445 Lakeshore Road
Kelowna, British Columbia, V1W 4S5
Phone: 250 764 8866
Fax: 250 764 2603
Email: info@cedarcreek.bc.ca
URL: http://www.cedarcreek.bc.ca/
Checked by: Bruce
Double checked by: Jenn
Added: almost 8 years ago

Company email (July 2016):
"At present, the only wine we produce which contains animal ingredients or by-products is the Proprietors White. This may change in future but holds true for all wines currently in the market. All wines are produced and bottled from 100% VQA grapes so we control the grapes from vineyard to bottle."

Company email (April 2013):
"I checked with our winemaker and he assures me that all of our wines on the market are vegan safe."

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