Yo-Ho Real Ales is Not Vegan Friendly

by Yo-Ho Brewing Company
Address: 2148 Nagagura Karuizawa-machi
Nagano-ken Kitasaga-gun, 389-0111
Phone: +81 267-66-1211
Email: https://yohobrewing.com/contact/e/
URL: https://yohobrewing.com/
Checked by: Troy
Double checked by: Shatz, Rachael
Added: over 10 years ago
Double Checked: over 4 years ago

Rachael noted that the web page for their Umami Pale Ale (https://yohobrewing.com/e/, retrieved December 2020) states that this product contains bonito (fish) flakes.

Company email (June 2020)

"We don’t use animal ingredients for our beer. However, we once used lactose when we brewed limited beer 'SORRY SAKURA MOCHI STOUT.' Also we use isinglass only for real ale.

"And we fill beer only in Japan. For Aooni, we don’t use any animal ingredients."

Company email (October 2014):

"The answer is yes, but the line is not vegan. We make other products in the same line and we use isinglass (fish bladder) for filtering some of the other products. Wednesday Cat itself contains water,malts, hops, orange peels and coriander seeds. We use a kind of moss for filtering it."

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