Junkyard Flying Tiger is Vegan Friendly

by Junkyard Brewing Company
Address: 1320 First Avenue North
Morehead, Minnesota
Phone: (701) 261-5861
Email: https://www.junkyardbeer.com/general-questions
URL: https://www.junkyardbeer.com/
Checked by: Rob
Double checked by: Stephanie, Patrick
Added: over 10 years ago
Double Checked: over 7 years ago

Company email (July 2019)
"We have used yogurt to start a sour culture once before in Technicolor Dream Wolf, which also has lactose, so we did not additionally state the yogurt. We are considering using yogurt to start the souring culture in an upcoming beer called Secret Beach, which is not going to have lactose, so we will make sure to state the percentage of yogurt used somewhere on the can label if that happens. Given the extra responsibility to state yogurt on labels, menus, and chalkboards, we might not ever experiment with yogurt to start sours in the future, because it’s not really necessary. There are many sources for lactobacillus cultures other than dairy."

Company email (May 2017):
"While the vast majority of the over 100 beer varieties brewed thus far are vegan, we recently released a series of milkshake IPAs and a coconut cream ale that both use lactose sugar, which is milk-derived. As for refining agents, we do not use any animal products to process or filter our beer. In addition, we do not currently manufacture or package our product anywhere but in house."

Company email (February 2014):
"We are vegan friendly. No lactose. And our fining is called biofine and it uses no animals."

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