Kopparbergs Bryggeri is vegan friendly

Address: 714 82 Kopparberg
Phone: +46(0)580 88600
Email: konsumentkontakt@kopparbergs.se
URL: https://www.kopparbergs.se/
Checked by: Stephen
Double checked by: Mike, Justin, Phillip, Robert, Kristina, Steve, Charlotte, Pauline, Brooke, Isobel, Laura, Sarah, Daniel, Bouchra, Emma, Matt, Company
Added: almost 15 years ago
Double Checked: 11 months ago

Products by Kopparbergs Bryggeri:

Company email (November 2023)
"Due to expiry dates, there are no Kopparberg products now in the market that wouldn’t be vegan. All Kopparberg products sold in the UK are now 100% vegan. "

Company email (March 2021)
"That's correct, all ciders (and all Kopparberg spirits) with a best before date of Aug 21 are vegan. We have chose not to actively communicate this information as there are still products which have a different sell by date in circulation. This will be updated across our website and all other channels when ready."

Company email (May 2020)

"The strawberry & lime gin is vegan friendly and does not contain any animal ingredients, and no animal products are used for processing aid.

"In cider manufacture, gelatin is used as a process aid, but there are no traces of animal ingredients left in the finished product. Kopparbergs Cider Rosé does not contain any animal ingredients but contains gelatin as a process aid."

Company email (May 2019)
"We have changed the filtration process for our alcohol-free ciders and as such they are now completely vegan friendly. Our normal range still uses gelatin however."

Company email (November 2018)
"The same filtration process is used in our alcoholic and non-alcoholic ciders. Therefore, there is gelatine used in the filtration of our non-alcoholic ciders also."

Company email (March 2018) re Elk Warning Ciders:
"I can confirm that gelatine is used in the filtration process for our craft ciders, albeit there is none left in the final product."

Company email (March 2017)
"Wolf Warning is vegan-friendly. It does not contain any animal products and we don’t use any animal products in the process."

Company email (April 2017)
"I can confirm our ciders wheat, dairy, egg and nut free. Gelatine is used in the filtration process, albeit there is none left in the final product."

From their Australian website (http://kopparberg.com/qa/, retrieved March 2017) re: Kopparberg Cider:
"We use gelatine in the filtering process for the alcohol ones but in the final product there is no gelatine left."

Company email (November 2016) re: Special Brew
"Special Brew does not contain any food colorings and our beer does not contain animal products, nor during production/manufacturing or in final product."

Company email (November 2016)
"our beers doesn't contain any animal ingredients, nor during manufacturing/making the product, nor in the finished product. This includes Fruit Lager Lemon & Lime.

During manufacturing of cider is gelatin used as process resource (making it easier to process the product)."

Company email (August 2016):
"I can confirm that our ciders are wheat, dairy, egg and nut free and gelatine is used in the filtration process, albeit there is none left in the final product."

Company email (June 2016):
"You can drink Fruit Lager, gelantine used onley in cider."

Kristina notes (December 2015):
"They said the cider goes through gelatine but there isn't any in the final product."

Company email (November 2014):
"All vår öl är fri från animaliska ingredienser och inga animalier används vid tillverkningen.
Vid cidertillverkning används gelatin som processhjälpmedel. Det finns inga spår kvar av animaliska ingredienser i den färdiga produkten.
Tillverkningen av våra produkter sker på våra fyra bryggerier i Sverige."

[Google translation] "All our beers are free from animal ingredients and no animal products used in manufacture. At the cider making use gelatin as processing aids. There is no trace of animal ingredients in the finished product. The manufacture of our products takes place at our four breweries in Sweden."

Company email (January 2013):
"I can confirm that gelatine is used during the filtration process of all Kopparberg products."

Company email (September 2012):
"I can confirm that Frank's Ginger Beer and Root Beer is suitable for vegetarians."

Company Email:
"I can confirm that Franks Alcoholic Ginger Beer is suitable for vegetarians."

Company Email:
"Kopparberg is not vegan friendly as gelatine is used in the filtration process"