Gelender is vegan friendly

Address: Braće Begić 3,
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Phone: +387 61 202 990
Checked by: Sebastian
Double checked by:
Added: almost 5 years ago

Products by Gelender:

Company email (November 2019)

"Proizvodnja naših piva je potpuno prirodna. Koriste se samo 4 sastojka; slad (pretezno jecmeni), kvasac, hmelj i voda. Potpuno prirodan proces fermentacije bez dodavanja ikakvih enzima, stabilizatora, konzervansa.. Pivo se bistri prirodnim putem, na niskim temperaturama gdje kvasac i ostaci hmelja padaju na dno. I stoga je potpuno sigurno za konzumaciju osoba koje ne koriste ništa od sastojaka koji sadrze namirnice zivotinjskog porijekla."

[Translation: "The production of our beers is completely natural.
Only 4 ingredients are used; malt (mostly barley), yeast, hops and water. A completely natural fermentation process without the addition of any enzymes, stabilizers, preservatives. The beer is naturally clarified, at low temperatures where the yeast and hop residues fall to the bottom. And therefore it is completely safe for consumption by persons who do not use any of the ingredients that contain food of animal origin."]