Saint Archer Brewing Co. has some vegan options

Address: 9550 Distribution Ave.
San Diego, California
Phone: 858.225.2337
Checked by: Craig
Double checked by: Brian
Added: almost 11 years ago
Double Checked: almost 8 years ago

Products by Saint Archer Brewing Co.:

Brian notes (December 2016) that they've introduced a coffee cream porter since the last update that according to Beer Advocate ( contains lactose.

On followup: "We have 1 seasonal beer, Coffee Cream Porter, made with Milk sugar, that is not vegan friendly. The rest of our portfolio is Vegan friendly and not manufactured anywhere that would change its status as vegan friendly."

Company email (February 2014):
"Currently all of our beers are Vegan. We use Biofine to help clarify our beers. This clarifier has no animal products in it."