Foster's AUSTRALIA is vegan friendly
Address: | 77 Southbank Boulevard Southbank, Victoria, 3006 Australia |
Phone: | +61 3 9633 2000 |
Fax: | +61 3 9633 2002 |
Email: | |
URL: | |
Checked by: | Philip |
Double checked by: | Sami, Bilby, Melanie, AngelA, Sarah |
Added: | over 16 years ago |
Double Checked: | about 11 years ago |
Products by Foster's AUSTRALIA:
Vegan Friendly
Vegan Friendly
Vegan Friendly
Vegan Friendly
Vegan Friendly
Company email (July 2013): [in regard to Pure Blonde]
"Carlton United Brewers (including Matilda Bay Brewing Company and Cascade Brewing Company) does not use any animal based processing aids in the production of its beer products.
In the past collagen fining agents have been used to clarify our beers, however we have now developed a process that eliminates this requirement.
We do not use animal products in the production of our beer. As the definition of vegan and vegetarian can differ for the individual, we prefer to provide this information for consumers to decide for themselves as to whether this qualifies as vegan or vegetarian friendly.
Pure Blonde is only produced in Australia so therefore follows the same procedure as all CUB beers and does not contain any diary products."
Company email (November 2011)
"Carlton United Brewers [brewers of Foster's in Australia] (including Matilda Bay Brewing Company and Cascade Brewing Company) does not use any animal based processing aids in the production of its Beer products. In terms of Cider, due to apple concentrates originating from various third party supplies (local and international) we cannot guarantee that is vegan friendly."
UPDATE: March 2011
"The answer you received pertains to Australia. However, all our brands with the exception of Foster's are produced in Australia. For example, anywhere in the world you see a VB, you know it was brewed at Abbotsford in Victoria or at Yatala in Queensland.
The brand of beer called Foster's may be brewed in different locations depending on where it is purchased. Any Foster's beer in Australia is ours and was brewed here. The Foster's brand is owned in the UK by Heineken, in India by SABMiller, and in the US by MillersCoors. However, those companies only produce the brand "Foster's" and do not produce any of our other brands."
UPDATE: March 2011
"Pure Blonde is not Vegan friendly
Matilda Bay Alpha Pale Ale, Pepperjack Ale and Asahi beers from Japan are
vegan friendly."
UPDATE: January 2010
"Crown Lager, manufactured in Australia, is NOT vegan-friendly. It is manufactured by Foster's who confirmed to me today that they do use beef collagen finings."
UPDATE: June 2009
"Foster’s Lager and Foster’s Special Bitter made in countries other than Australia do not use finings and are vegan friendly "
From their FAQ:
Is beer suitable for 'vegans'?
"Brewers worldwide have used Isinglass for the clarification of beer in storage for decades. Due to the introduction of new allergen labelling legislation, Australia's brewers ceased using fish finings late in 2003. Foster's assessed many alternatives for its replacement and selected a collagen based process aid, derived from Australian beef. The Australian Food Standards Code permits the use of this processing aid. Our filtration process removes yeast and finings.
We do continually reassess and evaluate our processes and the process aids we utilise. As such, we are presently reviewing an alternative, which is not derived from animals. "
Company email:
Sorry Foster's is not suitable for vegans. A collagen based process aid, derived from Australian beef is used during the filtration process. Our filtration process removes yeast and finings.
We do continually reassess and evaluate our processes and the process aids we utilise. As such, we are presently reviewing an alternative, which is not derived from animals.